
NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BDGeoTriggeringError) {
     * Couldn't start Geo-triggering service when Geo-triggering  already in progress
    BDGeoTriggeringErrorCannotStartWhileAlreadyInProgress = -1000,
     * Trying to stop Geo-Triggering when it is not in progress
    BDGeoTriggeringErrorCannotStopWhileNotInProgress = -1001,
     * Couldn't start Geo-triggering service due to insufficient Location Permision. <b>Always</b> or <b>When in use</b> permission is required
    BDGeoTriggeringErrorInsufficientLocationPermission = -1002,
     * Couldn't start Geo-triggering service when application is in the background
    BDGeoTriggeringErrorCannotStartWhileApplicationInBackground = -1003,
     * Fail to download zone info from Canvas
    BDGeoTriggeringErrorZoneDownloadFailed = -1004,
     * Couldn't start Geo-Trigggering with restart notification service, due to insufficient notifications permission
    BDGeoTriggeringInsufficientNotificationPermission = -1005
